so, here is one of my favorite band from France....PHOENIX.
last Feb, i went to see em in Tokyo and was nothing but awesome!
the more i listen, the more i love their music....this is true
and this song, too young, was used in the movie "lost in translation" by Sofia Coppola.
this is my favorite as well.
about the movie, if you have watched it and wondered about the whispering of Bill Murray,
you can type like "lost in translation whisper" or something on youtube and you will know.
2月にはShibuya axでのライブを見に行った。本当に素晴らしかった。
そして、このtoo youngはソフィア・コッポラのLost in Translationで使われてる。この映画もすき。
もし、映画を見たことがあって、最後にBill MurryがScarlett Johansson になんて呟いたんだろう、
って思っていたら、youtubeで "lost in translation whisper" とかって入れると分かる。